MP Community: "we matter because we know what we're talking about"
Thats just it though, how is their 'balancing' ideas, any better than someone who is not at that ICO 'pro' level?
Just b/c they play on the majority a single game mode, does not make them the end all be all of what is balanced.
My thoughts are just as vaild as theirs, Ive played MP, Ive done SP, Ive done modding. Why are my thoughts instantly dimissed by them b/c Im not one of them? Why is anyone opinions dismissed by them for that reason?
They are quick to blast anyone but themselfs, causing drama that plagues this forum. As Ive said for years now, Its their attitude both in game, on ICO, and on the forums that is root to alot of their issues with low player counts online.
SP Community: "we matter because we're the vast majority"
We matter no more than they do in the big picture. Its the fact we are treated as second class players b/c of our choice ot play SP or mostly against the AI.
But our thoughts on any balance changes and addtions to the game, etc etc are as worthy as any MP players comment.
All this besides the point, b/c if I was the dev, I ignore all of us. After all its their game. If we dont like it, we can not play it or mod it.
On a related note, If the 'pro' group was so worried about balance and didnt think IC can balance it. Make a MOD! Since the ICO numbers are small, you should have no problem getting the balance mod to be popular.
There have been many games that have seen a community mod become the standard.
Blargh, Im getting on a soapbox.
There is no one group in the community who opinions on the game are greater than the other. Everyone brings the exact same level of thoughts to the table. And in the end, its the Devs choice. So deal with it.