It's the Rebels that get the cheaper culture temples. It takes a long time for culture to push into enemy grav wells. If you've actually the luxury of building DEs in a game, you won a long time ago and are toying with them or have them turtling up and clinging to a few planets. I think AL are a bit underestimated but culture is far from OP...
By cheaper I was referring to the tier 2 (vs. tier 3 for other factions), wasn't the best choice of words on my part...anyway, culture in general isn't OP, but AL culture, now that is ridiculous...I mean, how do you counter it? Their planets spawn culture and IIRC they get a 15% bonus to culture spread rate, that is just too powerful...I mean, that is like, 15% less time you have to react and to get a culture center up before you lose your for DE's, clearly you just don't have enough experience facing 8 of them from 2 AL players in eco spots while they fleet up with Illuminators to support their invincible Coronatas...
I'm also upset that you didn't acknowledge the superiority of the Ankylon to the Ragnarov...but perhaps it's because you recognize like I do how pathetic the Ragnarov is if you fight with it facing backwards....