talk about a quiet section
No s***.
That's because its the modders that form clans here. And we already have a forum.
I don't know, the "Seleuceia Tier" is growing in leaps and bounds, spanning across the Troll, the MP, and the Modder communities....
That pretty much only qualifies you, me and Goa right now.
Edit - BTW Goa trolls by always being right on the forum
Wait...there are clans!?
I troll...therefore, I am.
It's hard to have a clan scene when 99.5% of all players only play it offline in single and when more than half of the people online only play comp stomps.
Bandwagoners much
you need a few thousand more ico players online to get much activity here.
Its not a necro if its only a month old...
Anyways, I make a valid point.
These forums don't have the thread creation and discussion for a month old topic to be a necro.
They need more people, perhaps a few thousand more.
What's wrong with necrophilia?? There's even a movie about it...
I made a clan! It's called FFoG, stands for the Formidable Felines of Gaming.
I just didn't like having to put up with all this necrophilia, so I made a clan, and it has about 15 members already!
Oh by the way, UR GETTIN MUGGED, KID!
I would like to politely ask you to stop mugging the forums. It's @Q#$*(ing rude.
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