Not ripped off by the game, I mean..the game is absolutely fabulous. I will join in with others and say that the VL seem a bit OP...but maybe I'm just not very good with TEC and Advent yet.
Anyway, I finally saved up the 7500 credits, etc, to summon dark fleet..and..well, it kind of sucks.
7500 for 5 heavy cruisers and a spattering of light frigates? Seriously? What's the benefit of this? Is it just that they spawn instantly? I was expecting a BIG fleet. What I got was a fleet that could MAYBE protect a single gravity well from a mid-sized force.
Am I missing something? Even if those ships combined cost 7500 credits, its not much of an advantage that they spawn instantly. It feels kind of useless, imho.
With Vasari mobility, I can just station a support force on any world with a phase stabilizer and achieve the same thing..therefor, the ability is just there to look cool, isn't it?
Granted, this is all coming from a guy who thought that Drain Planet was how the Vasari stripped a world to core. Glad I figured that one out.