Hi ZomebieRus5,
Thanks for the reply... actually all the stuff you suggested is already configured and it all works fine.. except for the annoying error message.
I think it's a hard coding bug since I can take vanilla starbase files and just rename them and add them to the manifest and it still triggers the error (though I seem to recall there was a period in Entrenchment where the error ceased to pop).
StarBase_EMP.entity contains:
"creationSourceAbility "AbilityDeployStarBase_EMP"
AbilityDeployStarBase_EMP contains:
buffInstantActionType "CreateStarBase"
instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
starBaseType "StarBase_EMP"
Level:0 1000.000000
So that appears all in order. But given that the error relates to name I also checked StarBase_EMP.entity for name reference and:
which exists in English.str
In the player entity file, "Player_EMP_Loy.entity" also has valid settings:
randomStarBaseNamePrefix "IDS_STARBASENAME_EMP"
count 1
entityDefName "StarBase_EMP"
raceNameParsePrefix "EMP"
raceNameParsePrefixFallback "TECH"
I'm surprised I'm the only one with this warning message!