So I finished the book. I'm happy the series is over, and enjoyed the last book very much. I've been reading the series since '92 and it has been a long ride.
No spoilers, but I will say that I did shed a few tears during some of the scenes. I've read these books for so long many of the characters are like dear old friend. There are some sensitive moments that will tug your heartstrings. The battle descriptions are amazing as well, many times my heart was thumping just envisioning the battles as they unfolded.
One thing I did notice, you can tell when it was Brandon Sanderson writing a scene, and when it was Robert Jordon. I'm glad that the series was finished post-mortem, but I wish it was good ole RJ that finished the series. Overall, I was satisfied with the ending of an epic that has stretched over two decades. Very worth reading.