I understand many online players want friend only games, or passworded ones, that OK. I even got used to only being able to join 10% or around this percentage of games in theory, BUT
what is that thing that further reduces my rare opportunities of online gaming (available games number)? About near one-third of the hosted team games say this message, even when I know my friend is the host who has the same version like me and no mods, it is randomly occurring I can't figure out the reason.
"Your galaxy scenario file differs from the host's"
Does anyone knows what is this? It is really annoying as there aren't many matches and getting this message freaks me out..
EDIT: issue solved I think, the cause was that I modified a map file and forgot to place it in a minimod, so the game for multiplayer could not use the version the others had, the original one, strange 2 numbers in a .galaxy file could completely mess up everything about Random medium maps..