A point of fact The late Senator Byrd (D) of West Virginia was the last "known" former member of the KKK to hold Federal office.
True, I'd forgotten he outlived Thurmond(I botched his name earlier).
Still wanna throw a blanket of blame over everyone who gets a benefit?
You threw the only blanket. I make no implications as to the merits of everyone receiving aid, those are specific references, not generalizations. Your daughter's abuse at the hands of someone who would have been executed after his first offense in psycholand clearly doesn't make her a whore. At most she had a failure in judgement for marrying him in the first place, hardly a capital offense, I have an aunt that got me my favorite cousin by marrying a similarly fucked up asshole before she realized she was screwed. Sadly, he's as big an idiot as his father, but I still like the asshat even if he is pretty much useless and ruining his own kids...
In this country, there are actual crack whores, hundreds of thousands of them, screwing guys for money as they go through one pimp-boyfriend after another, popping out kids to get financial aid because it's advantageous to taking the pill, it's not a blanket statement to point out that they can do better than average in a few states. In that same post I stated that I thought government should get out of the business because private charities and churches do so much better a job, and people like your daughter are exactly why.
A private charity will look at her situation, see that your daughter has been a victim, both to her husband, and to a state that refuses to treat violent criminals with high recidivism rates as they must, and offer her help. That same entity would take one look at a drug addicted hooker living with her pimp and call social services to try and rescue her kids. The most she would ever get is actual food, in the hope that at least with food she would feed her kids instead of buying drugs. The church I went to as a kid had a rather large daycare in it during the week, and they helped people in need by taking care of their kids for free, alongside food and financial support coming from the congregation. There were dozens of food pantries all over the city in churches and other organizations.
The government will have a disinterested employee with a massive case load they're two weeks behind on look at her income, the number of kids she has, and sign her up for a dollar amount based on a chart.
Your daughter gets the same kind of help from either, but on one hand the people helping her actually give a damn and do it because she and her kids deserve it, and on the other she's on an equal footing with the crack whore perpetrating child abuse for money. This country has literally destroyed the black community by turning the majority of them into single mothers through welfare while the fathers are allowed to just fuck around and keep making babies. Drug use is rampant, and violence is through the roof.
It's an exceedingly ugly picture, and one of the barriers to fixing it is that people get all butt hurt every time someone mentions how many single mothers are grossly irresponsible sluts taking advantage of the system. It's become a personal attack to mention simple facts, taken personally by people who have absolutely no reason to do so, and every reason to join in. Those responsible single mothers have to live in the same neighborhoods, and send their kids to the same schools, filled with drug use and violence by the children of the irresponsible. If I were a single mother, stuck sending my kids to a failing school from the gangland projects I was stuck into, life would be perpetual terror as I waited to discover my kids had been jumped into gangs, addicted to drugs, or maybe shot in a drive by while participating in their state mandated education.
It's as bad as the problem with feeding starving Africans in Africa. The only thing the World Food Program has gotten us is more starving Africans, existing, not living, in appalling refugee camps, sitting around in the mud day after day, waiting for their next bag of rice. It's dehumanizing, and the few charities really making a difference by getting people to take care of themselves over there are being attacked for destroying their culture. As if wasting away because they're too poorly educated to do simple things like dig a well instead of drinking ditch water is some sort of cultural achievement.