Lookin' like it should stay safe to swim in the ocean, too.
Except for the sharks, jellyfish and sea snakes, etc. Other than those [and possibly undiscovered prehistoric monsters lurking in the deep, the oceans are quite safe... except for tidal rips, undercurrents and sultanas. The other hazard would be Mother Nature whipping up a force 8 gale with waves breaking over the top decks of ocean-going vessels as high as 15 storey banks in downtown Manhattan Other than that, our oceans are completely safe.... except for ocean-going pirates [not the common Caribbean kind... Johnny Depp, you gotta lot ter answer fer, me bucko], buccaneers and privateers.
As for Acidification - like WTF is that - well I do know how it is possible, but I doubt very much we'd get full international cooperation to achieve it. The Greenies and other groups would protest and shoot it down before it got started... and quite rightly so. The thing is, I have acid in my pee, as does everyone else, and if everyone worldwide peed in the world's oceans collectively the acidic levels would rise dramatically and we'd see many marine species prouting legs and walking upon land for the first time, as some of their ancient ancestors did many millions of years ago.
Oh, and another bunch of cranks who'd oppose the collective peeing would be those religious nuts who drink their own pee... though the cops 'd have a field day charging everyone with wilful public exposure.
As for the pee drinking religious nuts... they can have that to themselves. I believe in recycling where possible to help conserve resources, but that's going waaay too far. I'd have to be stranded in the desert and near dying of thirst before i'd consider.... ughh, nah, I'd ring Dominos, cos they deliver just about everywhere, and order a thirst quenching coke and a pizza.