Well my biggest problem is ECO sucks balls. Even if I get a jump on them they show up minutes later with liek double my fleet and wipe my orky or fly by it. LF spam? Is that the Missle frigates?>
I am still of the opinion Vasari in general has inadvertently been nerfed in the LF area compared to other factions; see my thread for my gripes.
With that said I still haven't given up on my favorite faction and continue to use them in multiplayer games. You've probably already answered your own question now and that is, how is your early game eco? Since the patch, now everyone starts off with 2 frigate factories which should allow you to crank out the skirmishers reasonably fast, although certainly not as fast as the other 2 factions. What cap ship do you use to start? What is usually your first, second and third research tech among all techs available?