A couple more questions dear forum goers!
This is a request for information I haven't been able to find on the wiki. If you could point me towards the right place to find it, that would be awesome.
What are the society bonuses and artifacts added by the DLC?
Is improving population on every planet better than improving trade? Does anyone have any idea what the numbers for this are?
Do "hidden" planetary bonuses have an effect regardless of whether or not they are seen?
How do these work? E.g. anarchist society has a 25% penalty to everything. Is that penalty a flat rate or based on the planet's known allegiance?
I.e. your capital has anarchist society. Is the total allegiance 85, 75 or 75% of 110?
Is the UI supposed to reflect the changes? Or are you supposed to read the top of the info card, then apply the bonuses and penalties due to society, then bonuses and penalties due to specialisation (industrial/social)? And do those stack or they a flat rate?