ok I know everyone that reads this is going to freak out and go nuts ( deal with it and leave it alone )
I am getting a new mini dump that I am unable to bypass no matter how many lines of code I have changed in the main programing ( over 20k lines I have changed )
i have played large massive 10000 planets maps before and tonight i said its time for another 200 hr game but i did it with only 5984 planets
the game refuses to load
i have check and checked and can not find a fix
i have over 128 GBS of ram and running 3 towers
win 7 utlmate
ummm not sure what else to place here just bored and tired any help with this would be most greatful
( Check i have cleard all game data 5 times and nothing changed ( backed up my codeing ) unsure of where to go from here
sorry about the misspelling i am very tired