Over the past year or so I've started asking people if they've heard of or play SOASE, and to my surprise, I've come across quite a few. They rarely play multiplayer though for the same reason: it's not spamming, or the fear of being raped, its time. They all play singleplayer (in which a game could last for days) and fear how long a multiplayer game would last. When they do play multi, it's - of course - usually with friends, although I've been able to talk a few into more public games.
My point is that ICO isn't going to die. The only way it would is if the game itself died. What I could see happening though is a turn into private-only games (which has really already started), with the die-hard players like us being the only ones who do the "rush protocol" while everyone else does their own thing. In other words, Rag, if you don't like how 5s are played, then join another style of game.
Besides, boycotting isn't going to do anything, especially during the summer when classes are out...5s players will still be playing 5s games. You're just suggesting ridding multiplayer of all noobs, which would make many 5s players very pleased.