Hi, Pandawaffle ...TEC Fleet Composition...
Let's talk business,
I tested the Kol for weeks but it is no good, I send out 2/3 kol + 2/3 Akkan alone just searching a main battle group and let them attack together (like A titan + starbase + other stuff)
Every time a kol dies first, then the next kol, 2 or 3 Akkan survive !
6 kols ? all dead, 6 akkan ? They win ( 3,4 survivers or better)
Maybe "flagship" targetting ? or something ? so next test : I modded them be be equal: Same hull, shield,...
Leaving thei standard weapons only setting the strengths about equal ?
SAME RESULT, KOL dying AKKAN living? So : the only difference being their abilities the KOL flaw must be there.
I liked my KOL's but will NEVER USE KOL AGAIN, only AKKAN !
I send my first one immediately out alone, killing some small targets which levels it up ! And colonizing ! Continuing...
I keep on building only AKKAN leaving room for my first TITAN ANKYLON, the best beast in town !
Gain : 1) No money and time spend on "little ones"
2) New colinies = new money, new research, bigger footprint early game
3) Akkan levels up quickly, getting stronger and stronger (At least level 5 before attacking Titan, Starbase ...)
4) Home defense : only colony buildings (1 Starbase at each "choking point", later 2 (money!) )
My main battle group : 5 AKKAN (level 5 to 10), later TITAN + 2 or 3 AKKAN (They work really good together, the
AKKAN stops them so the TITAN can easily kill all of them AND protecting his "wingmen" with his forcefield)
(I always send all AKKAN close to the titan "under his umbrella")
Now, all those lovers of the small ships, beware !
AKKAN can colonise, bomb planets, do RECCE alone, gets more and more internal fighters (x5) who seem always to survive, ...
I TRIED THE FRIGATES, ... ! (Full research)
When I build 1 hundred of whatever I have no points left for AKKAN/TITAN !
(My TITAN sitting in his shed saying "no points for me?" broke my heart !)
I attack ! When one gets busted to much I retreat this one or all next to my Starbase who repairs them while shooting!
I use my AKKAN to rush to the choking points (crossroads) and start up a "defensive trap":
2 Starbases , like 10 Flak towers, 2/3 Fighter hangars, 5 AKKAN in front , a rapid intervention force in the back to help when needed, a TITAN (when I get one soon enough : ASAP!)
I send out a small group attacking but staying on the border, killing some, getting some punishment and retreat to my "hospital" starbase "Come pussy, pussy, come!) No one shows up ! No problem, next "guerilla" group
This hit and run tactic costs the adversary a lot of money (killing or destroying something, no matter what)and wears him down to the point when I can attack with everything in one big blow : Game over !
Strategy is off all times, even a real war is a strategy game for the generals
You only attack when you can win !
AI cheats like hell ! NEVER I can build the first TITAN ! NEVER I can build or research quicker
And AI can command 1000 in a second while we destroy our mouse trying to get everything and everyone in place!
Well, one page is enough, so, maybe someone gets a new idea with this, good night, leko