We should start an official Sinkillr tracking thread so we can educate the people on the forums... which is apparently only you Seleuceia... but perhaps it will help keep our mass cognitive dissonance in check?
I debated making a thread for all Sinkillr's names and the best karma comments.
Sinkillr - RoaringWarren - Hydrakiller - ProgFighter - Mutabling - AggressiveProgressive - (others?)
Karma Comment Hall of Fame:
- why change name so much?
- that's odd, the OP says HydraKiller now... dumbass
- It's sad people are abusing your karma system to piss you off
- Changed the original post so that you can say we're all off topic. Trap avoided.
- me thinks sin has a lil somethin somethin for Sel
- makes post, is first reply, lolwut
- Can't get enough of that karma krisp
- takes karma like a scrawny white boy takes it in prison showers
- flak spam... god it's a b**ch
- new game sinkillr
- Nice work on the name change!
- For a good troll post
- bottom of the barrel, you are below that
- Just looking for some karma I see
- thanks for the unrelated update
- can you even beat hard ai mr. karma whore
- whoring the karma and the great strategies
- the most OP game-breaking trolling
- big words = big karma = making up for something small
- for changing your avatar
- have some karma for being a douche
- moar karma and MOAR CAPS LOCKS
- lets make all the races identical... great idea
- used english
- cant nominate self. nominates self
- n-n-NECRO
- on a necro roll today
- karma slut
- A poor, unsupportive, and rude post.
- useless comment, let the guy make his damn mod in peace
- dafug are you
- saving the community from trolls and getting flak nerfed
- For being a Seleuceia alt karma whore
- Detected Sarcasm Ahead!
- for getting mad
- Nom Nom Nom, yummy karma for Sinkillr
- I'm just a Sinkillr account helping to whore the karma
- Saying something that's not possible then changing your statement to make it possible and accusing me of being an idiot
- Karma trolling
- +Karma for you, my little karma whore!
- For whining
- For quoting in green.
- Because it'll make you angry
- You like karma don't you sinkillr? (spongebob face)
- Go kill a f***ing hydra
- Hey f***nugget
- shut-up juice. If only it existed. I'd ram so much of that stuff down your throat
- So many names and yet they all spout bullshit
Those are the highlights of my quick glance through Sinkillrs karma. It's a shame Sel never comes up with anything witty.