Everyone always seems to blame the rich for all the worlds ills. And while yes they can be held responsible for some pretty horrible things not everything is "The Corporations" or "The Rich" fault. Some times we the ordinary folk have to take our share of the blame too. After all without US the rich would be poor, The Corporations would be weekend stalls. WE perpetuate the demand for everything quicker, easier etc. It's easy to just lay the blame elsewhere but much harder to take some of the responsibility ourselves. Until that happens the world will just keep on heading for ruin and we will blindly just keep on enjoying our so called ease of life technologies. So instead of occupy Wall Street or occupy some rich guys toilet how about we occupy or own consciences and maybe just maybe grow the fuck up a little
This is not a rant on the U.S., but a rant on technology. I mean the same could have been said about the wheel, pottery, or farming. The object of technology is to make things easier. Take a look at the combine. As things get easier. Less people are needed to work the previous jods. Encouraging them to find new jobs. This is where entertainment comes into play. Of course without organization this is also not possible. Some one needs to organize this, or none of this would happen. I mean someone would've invented the wheel, but if there was no one to teach that just think how far this would've made it as a family secret. How much of the world today would not of had it, and without teaching it, or writing it down it eventually would have been forgotton. Also if this was a family secret their would also be a lot less uses for it. Same would apply for everything.
Society makes its own bed, now it gets to sleep in it.
Everyone is complaining how we are loosing rights, but I noticed the government is not bothering to take away our more fundamental rights just convincing we don't have them. Like our right to make bills on a state level. All we need to do is get 850 signatures on a petition. We can decide to do this through state congress, or let the people vote on it. Just in case you don't trust what the government says. You rely on the peple unless no one agrees with you. Business's figured out that they can go to the people if the government doesn't like what there doing. There is no regulation that says a person can't do this. This actually doesn't cost much money. It does cost gas money, and a lot on man hours to do this. People would rather relax than make bills on their time off. Even though a whole business developed around this, Things haven't changed that people can get petitions signed. You would have to look it up how to do this. The right to protest is still there. Ok hiring a lobbyist costs to much money don't you think would make a nice fundraiser. Going down to city council meetings to voice your opinions. Have you ever written to your political party to let them know how you feel. It seems like everyone would like their party to tell them how you feel instead. So we have some power to make laws on the local, and state levels; even though we are not in government. With division of power that means that all three forms of government has to enforce their own laws. The state doesn't have to enforce local or federal laws and vice virsof. Who has written to their federal and state representatives lately. No wonder the government knows what you think instead of writing you have forced them to rely off of the political parties which are telling you what to think. I noticed that the government has not tried to remove these rights.
I just want to point out that the problem with the soviet union was not the rich people, but all the poor people that thought they should have it for no appearent reason. The UN announced that global warming was political not scientific. In truth this whole solar system has been warming up. Without rich people the middle class would never have existed. Without the middle class we would still be feudalistic, and most of the wealth in our country is in the middle class. The trick is to convince you that is not so.
Now if we are not talking about rich, but 210 elite people who are not one government has already stated that they want to lower the population from 7 billion to 1 billion not because of over population which is one of there schemes, but it is easier to control. Another scheme is to declare us zombies so they can slaughter us even if I'm waiting for the zombie apocalypse. At the same time they want to drug, or poison the survivors so they can be controlled better that is why there is so many phychosis. We think they don't want us on drugs when they actually do. Those guys we need to watch out for not the rich. Those guys are pro feudalism where the rich are pro democracy. These guys would rather distract you with other stuff, and are not loyal to one country, but are loyal to themselves.