Hello, everyone. Hopefully all are doing well. My question is simple. Does anyone know how to change the status bar color in Windows 10? I'm running the latest Skinstudio 10, and Windowblinds 10, and for the life of me I cannot find the color setting, nor the image for it (if there is one). Any help is appreciated. I know it can be at least colored because I've seen skins with it altered. I just can't find it, lol.
Go to Change Skin Colours, then use the dropdown and go to the Show me the skin defined System Colours area, the Button Face / Dialog background colour controls that area in Windows 10.
Oh EM GEE Thank you! You, sir, are a legend! I've been using SKS since 4, or 5 (XP days), and nothing's been this hard to find, LOL. I had a sneaking suspicion it'd be you to answer this, and I'm very glad ya did.
Glad I could help NeoCorpse.
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