Similarities between Star Wars: Rebels characters and Swallows and Amazons characters
Swallows and Amazons is quite an old series. It is written for children, but it is good for adults too, and is unique in that it was written for both boys and girls and have male and female children. And was written between two World Wars. And in that book, set in that time, equality between genders is treated as a normal thing and anything against it as not normal (but it happens).
I would like to share my thoughts on comparing Star Wars Rebels characters to them. Specifically, which Swallows and Amazons characters are similar to Rebels characters.
Kanan Jarrus - he is a lot of like John Walker. He’s the leader, honorable, brave… And he will try to be nice, but is good at fighting too.
Hera Syndulla - she's a lot like Susan Walker. She's the team mom, takes care of everyone, makes sure the ship is well supplied (both Susan and Hera are very good at ut). Well, except for her relationship with Kanan/John. In this case, she's like Nancy Blackett, being two leaders with strong friendship and possible romance (while Nancy/John is not canon, it is the most popular ship in that fandom).
Chopper - he’s the hardest to compare. But he is like Gibber, Roger’s monkey. Both like pranks and Gibber did destroy a ship once by (accidental) sabotage.
Garazeb Orrelios - Also a but hard. I do however feel like he's a lot like Jim Turner (Captain Flint). He’s often serious, an adult, but he can also play like a child. And both of them had some bad experiences.
Ezra Bridger - Simple. He’s like Roger Walker. He's the youngest child and is often treated worse because of that (and forbidden from doing some things). But both Roger and Ezra are bright for their age and are often willing to consider things others would not.
Sabine Wren - She is a combination of Nancy Blackett, Titty Walker and Dorothea Callum. From Nancy, she took her independent character and rebellious nature. (Both Nancy and Sabine also cause division between people who ship her with a particular male, John or Ezra respectively, and those who consider her lesbian, but Nancy’s fans tend to be more civil about it). She have imagination of both Titty and Dorothea, Titty’s ruthlessness and willingness to do morally questionable things that risk falling to the Dark Side (see her actions against Aunt Maria in Swallowdale) and Dorothea’s relationships (Seeing Susan/Hera as a mother figure, John/Kanan as a father figure and working well with Roger/Ezra but not having strictly defined relationship with him).
Ahsoka Tano - she is somewhat like Jim Turner too, in that she's an ally and helps but is often indisposed.
Rex - as Ahsoka’s close friend and also q veteran, he is like Timothy and also Peter Duck.
That's all for now.