How F’Rak and D’Ara were made
F’Rak and D’Ara are two Bohandi characters I made. However, they are not typical Bohandi characters. And I would like to share how they were made.
The characters were made for Star Home: Bohandi, a series of stories told from an alien point of view (Bohandi's, in this case). This was actually the first place I showed the Bohandi point of view. The entire series is told from it, and humans are enemies here. Generally, at this point, humans destroyed the Bohandi homeworld and the remnants of the Bohandi are on the run from the humans, who hunt them down to prevent them from rising again. The series is about a Bohandi refuge fleet based around a Cruiser/Carrier. And yes, this is based or the premise of Battlestar Galactica, but flipped as humans are “evil” (they are enemies and are evil from Bohandi point of view, but there are stories set at the time about the humans. Not relevant right now). F’Rak and D'Ara are pilots living aboard the cruiser and flying Bohandi Fighters.
What is important is that, when I planned the series, they weren't there. These two characters came into the series pretty late. But why?
It must be noted when I wrote that series. About the same time as Ahsoka series came out. I have been an avid Sabine/Ezra shipper for some time already and I was understandably upset about a certain line from Ahsoka episode 1. I could write a fanfiction against it. But it would be just a fanfiction. And the Bohandi series was an original fiction. So, in addition to fanfics on Ezra/Sabine, I decided to write characters into the series that are just like Ezra and Sabine, but are actually in love. A “Take that” at Ahsoka series in my own original fiction. In my own words from my notes (written before the series started):
F'Rak - Male Fighter pilot and soldier
D'Ara - Female Fighter pilot. She and F'Rak claim that they are "like brother and sister", but obviously they have romantic feelings for each other.
I eventually went further and not only made mention that their first meeting went a lot like Ezra and Sabine, but also implied that their names literally mean “Ezra” and “Sabine”. And, near the end of the series, I had them acknowledge their feelings for each other.
Series lasted 8 episodes. At the end of it, the surviving Bohandi escaped into a wormhole and we're relocated into the future, to a very changed Galaxy, where Bohandi settled on a new planet. Z The story was continued in a Galactic Civilizations III game I played, and later adapted part of it into a book named “Bohandi - Vulcan war”. Both of them appeared there. And they had a relationship.
This was all well and done… until I realized while yes, I managed to make them similar to Ezra and Sabine, they're more similar to other characters… Lee “Apollo” Adama and Kara “Starbuck” Thrace. For one, situation is similar, they're also both fighter pilots. They have a complicated romantic history. D’Ara was also later adopted by a highly ranked couple in the fleet (after the settlement). And their names… when you think about them in Battlestar Galactica context, they sound… rather different. Very hilarious.
I think I learned from it that I shouldn't make characters that are based on other characters, but characters that are based on the same character type as other characters. But what do you think? And what do you think about F’Rak and D'Ara? I would really like of someone would continue their story, as I honestly don't know… and have other things to write.