Chuck Norris destroyed a fleet of Capital Ships by roundhouse kicking the planet into it.
The reason why the Trade Order banished the Advent was because they created Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris is usually found riding Space Ponies.
Chuck Norris' ride is every Advent
If a wormhole were to go into a Chuck Norris, It would come out of another Chuck Norris
If a Black Hole were to go into a Chuck Norris, the Black Hole would be ripped to shreds
If a star were to collide into Chuck Norris, the star would burn up
Chuck Norris has infinite resources
The amount of command points required to build Chuck Norris is 99 to the power of 99 to the power of 99 to the power of 99
When a Marza Dreadnought razes a planet, it fires special bombardment missiles and only does minor damage. When Chuck Norris uses raze planet, he punches the planet and it dissapears.
The Advent Homeworld used to be a terran planet untill Chuck Norris was created.
Every Advent female who has sex with Chuck Norris has psionic powers
-Noob Norris