If everyones going on about their fleets...:
I have 2000 points of Chaos, Space Marines and Imperial Navy. I love BFG so much its not funny lol, but I dont play 40K. BFG is my only tabletop game. I just love naval conflict! Just to be annoying, ill post a picture of some of my Chaos ships, because I like them so much Lol!
Three of my four cruisers...(only 80% done, need metals and lights and bloodstains done)
2 x Slaughter: The Rape Of Virtue, Blinded in Chains
1 x Hades: The Sacraligious Scorn
1 Carnage: Bat Country (not pictured)
Five of my seven Infidel Raiders....... (also only 80% done, need metalics and lights and BLOOOD!)
And @Keilworth: I dont know the last time you checked in, but if it was before a few weeks ago, then you missed the release of the first 'test' version. We've all been playing it and testing it, its great so far, even if it could use a few fixes... Chaos is the only one done, and even then, there is no battleships or iconoclasts or buildings.
Also, if you havnt guessed, my ships are named after metal songs i listen too, some of the bands being Avenged Sevenfold (My favorite in the whole world ), The Used (more emo....), Dimmu Borgir (wow....thats heavy...)