first off the most basic sins model questions answered all in one tutorial such as:
1. can you open/edit the in game ships and give them more emitters, resize/scale them etc... and what programs are required to do that. (step by step would be great).
2. what standard formats can be imported into the game without having to go through various converters?
3. A list of requirements for a new ship model to work in game (e.g texture/mesh/weapon/projectile/race/research/UI/HUD information....basically a list of all files that need to be altered...clearly explained preferably with pictures....
) and a list of standard formats (if any) that can be imported for each.
4. lastly and probably most importantly. assume the person reading it has absolutly no knowledge of the programs what so ever. the tutorial should be able to be followed by anyone and include the most complex and varied ship design (or at least small examples of every aspect in one ship). Once completing the long project step-by-step they should be able to build more basic trim down designs themselves.
obviously not expecting it in the first edition but eventually it should include adding a new race, research and ship to the game not just changing an existing one.
and i'd like to say thankyou in advance for making it easier for complete novices like myself to add content to a great game......and for your patience reading what turned out to be a longer post than i expected