cheers jixra , yeah let me know as soon as your map is ready to be tested and I will get some SP practice on it

then get on mp with it asap

. Aside from everything I have said about the game in a game feedback type thread I am here to stay, still love the way the game plays and yes your idea is a VERY good one. (Anyone whos in the game to play to improve and wants a good standard of play for all surely sees the advantages in using a syatem like this)
I will use PUG as you suggested since it is your idea

. Im hoping I can play your map SP and cant wait to try it! I was thinking of making a map in galaxy forge, my plan is too make a big map in such a way that players will want to get using the stars and explore, so Im just comming up with a plan atm , just thinking ways to entice players to play the long game whilst still making it fun all the way through.
Some karma comming your way for making the map and helping out to make things good for the community.
Im thinking of putting a server up in an hour, its just with there being no ping indicator its trying to get people with good connections+that want to play medium/big maps. Still Im thinking the game will go from strength to strength as months pass! (Cant wait for this patch thats comming because its a content patch as well I was lead to belive and if this is the case that is awesome)