I agree with DessanT. A blockbuster mobie would clearly check their facts after all, it's not like they'd have motivation to make it look more spectacular than it really would be. After all, if the water level would only rise 30 ft, then clearly people wouldn't fall for them showing massive water level increases right? (BTW the 2007 IPCC report on the expected water level increase for the years 2090-2099 was between .18 and .59meters. http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/climate_change/media/4th_spm2feb07.pdf DOesn't look like we're so doomed after all)
Besides, clearly it isn't like we couldn't possibly be incorrect, you know clearly scientists couldn't just be seeing short term changes in temperature (i.e. the global cooling scare of the 1970's).
Also, Solar activity may have a far higher effect on the temperature than CO2, the correlation is far stronger. Also, as for Co2 being the main greenhouse gas, Nitrous oxide (something that cows are responsible for 65% of) warms the planet 296 times more than CO2. (Many of these facts are taken from the book An Inconvenient Book by Glenn Beck, which is quite a good read)
Anyway, please for god's sake don't use TV shows for your sources. That's just utterly laughable, albeit I'll admit I didn't give sources for all of my facts (many are taken from An Inconvenient Book, and I didn't feel like spending 20 minutes googleing it all.) but seriously, try to find somethign reliable before spouting doomsday scenerios at us.
And if we're allowed to use movies as valid source material, I demand that all AI research be stopped now, since as we saw from matrix the AI's will clearly become Sentient and take over!