I finished implementing stat increases for leveling up. The only thing I have to do for that in the future is to fine tune the balance on it and copy and paste a couple lines of code and change a few values for the stat increases for other classes(right now the only class that exists in the game is the fighter class). Also I implemented some hp and mp regen each turn based on your stats. The current system is Constitution/30 and Int/20 for hp and mp respectively.
Those exact numbers will most likely change when I start balancing the game but for now it works fine. (Since stats are all ints the game waits until it has a whole number before increasing your hp, mp, str, etc. It saves any extra fractions so you don't lose anything).
Next step design a few abilities for the fighter and implement ability gaining for leveling. Then maybe start on the talent system.
Funny Story: I was testing the new leveling system when I came to a dead end in a hallway, knowing of course that there was a hidden door there(I haven't yet implemented dead ends that don't lead to anything) I mashed down the search key without paying attention. Of course on the other side of the secret door was a psychic who very quickly killed me. I'm not really worried about that happening in a real game, except as a "YASD" because if I had been paying attention I could have walked away and healed with an item or by my char's natural regen.
I'm currently working on implementing some more fighter abilities. Here is one I thought you might be interested in:
Power Fist - Basically allows you to drain strength from your target. The ability does no damage just drains strength. In the spirit of rogue likes if you choose yourself as your target bad things happen:
Pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26996118@N06/2729457133/sizes/o/
As for the ability itself, it is rather useless at the moment. It makes more sense to just kill the enemy. Originally I had it so there was no minimum strength you could drain from the enemy meaning that you could eventually get them in negative strength which would result in them healing you when they attacked. Obviously that doesn't make much sense so I capped the strength drain down to a minimum of 0.
I suppose I could create enemies that are very difficult to kill or are only susceptible to certain types of damage. If those enemies only have physical attacks then I suppose this ability would be useful in that you could render them harmless but that is still a rather situational usage.
I think I'll either have to add dmg to the ability(currently it has no hp or mp cost so it doesn't deal dmg-its cost is that it takes up a turn preventing you from dealing dmg to the enemy in another way). If I do add dmg I'll either have to give it a cool down of some kind or give it an mp or hp cost of some kind.
At this point I don't think I want there to be cool down periods on normal abilities so that leaves giving it an mp/hp cost. I don't want to give all the fighters abilities an hp cost(The starting ability for the fighter costs hp to use) but for some reason I feel weird giving the fighter abilities that use mp. I'm not quite certain what I'll do at this point.
Note:That all abilities and numbers are subject to change during balancing.
Another fighter ability:
Brute Force:
Lvl Learned: 7
Hp Cost: 0
Mp Cost 10
Effect: 10% chance of dealing 10*player strength in armor piercing damage to the enemy(the enemy's armor will not reduce the damage). If you miss nothing happens(other than losing your mp and your turn).
Useful for last ditch attempts or if you are feeling lucky(Note that your character's luck does not affect the percentages-although I might make that change in the future). Has a nice synergy with your starting ability as if that is active at the time this connects that is an extra 50 AP type dmg.