I've spent the last few hours implementing items showing up on the map, looking at items on that are on the dungeon floor, and picking up items.
Items on the Map: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26996118@N06/2732295925/sizes/o/
Looking at Pile of Items: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26996118@N06/2733127412/sizes/o/
Item Pick Up Screen: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26996118@N06/2733127434/sizes/o/
In the Pile of Items picture above the items with specific names are ones that have already been identified, while the ones with general names are currently unknown to the player.
Picking up items is pretty simple. To do so you press the "." key. If there is only 1 item on the space you are on then you pick it up, if there is more than 1 then that menu you see depicted appears and you choose which item you want to pick up.
Things to do:
1.Implement dropping items.
2.Implement a pick up all key.
3. Design starting items for fighter class.
4. Start creating some items and item drop tables for enemies.
5. Implement item drops for enemies.