Did a bit of work. Implemented a key to pick up all items on a tile(just press the pickup item button again).
Got rid of a bug that allowed item duplication(I didn't even know about it until I was in the process of implementing the pick up all key).
Implemented the method used to generate items. Basically creating new items in the code is simply a matter of copying and pasting a block of code and changing the necessary values. To generate the item in the game I just pass that method the item's id code(which determines what item is created) and a few other values. Then the code does the rest and creates that item in the game. I've also designed it so that it works well with random item generation and will allow me control over what type of item (and how good of an item) I want generated while still being random(if desire; item generation doesn't have to be random).
For items that have unique special abilities I'll still have to code in that ability of course.
Partial to do list(things that will likely get my attention next):
1. Implement code for non-unique item effects(potion drinking, reading a scroll, etc.)
-Some item types are already coded in. Food for example is done and all I have to do is
define the "nutritional value" of future food items(among a few other values of course, like name, map symbol, etc.) Other item types, such as those listed above, I haven't gotten around to yet.
2. Create starting items for fighter.
3. Dropping items.
4. Fighter abilities.
5. Character generation menu + process.
6. Talent system.
7. Dozens upon dozens of other things.
I've certainly come a long way from when I started back in the end of May but I have an even longer way to go before I'm done. At this point it seems unlikely I'll "finish" the game before I start up my last year of college but a beta may be possible(my college starts really late - Sep. 25th).
Even if I don't finish or have a beta ready before then(which is a possibility given all the games I'm looking forward to that are coming out before my school starts) I'll continue to work on it when I can, although development will probably slow down -- more than it already has : (.
Project Stats:
Lines of Code = Roughly 5300.
Days since I started(although not days I have been working on it): 81
Days of actual work: 23
Days utilized: 28.39% of total since I started
Average lines of code written per day(including days I didn't work on it):65.43
Average lines of code written per day(only including days I actually worked on it): 230.43
Hmm, I guess I need to push myself to work for longer on the days that I do get work done and to push myself to work on it more days.