We are currently looking for help with skinning. We lack this extremely important job. If you would like to do this, please PM me. If you have things you have done in PS or GIMP, please send those as well.
Also, for more detailed information on what we are adding, you may click on the external link above which will take you to the Aurora Games forum which has backstories and statistics. Ultimately, it will have images as well.
9+ new ships
2 new capital ship classes: Lancer and Destroyer
2 new cruiser class: Troop Transports and a Utility Cruiser
2 new SC classes: Interceptors and Torpedo Bombers.
Reworked SC: Fighters are now multi-purpose and Bombers are Gunships
3+ new researchables that increase the power of capitals [for once]
Currently, we have five capital ships, each with their own capabilities. We have the support, the colonizer, the battleship, the dreadnought, and the carrier. This mod is dedicated to adding two more classes to that list: Lancer and Destroyer.
Lancer: These ships are the snipers of the game. They carry very heavy forward guns with little defense on their sides. They do not maneuver well, but have very long range and carry an axial cannon to damage targets from long range.
Destroyers: These ships are pure damage dealers. These are not to be confused with battleships as these have greater damage and less health.
Pictures: I will post these as I get time to do so.
Unfortunately, I'm do lazy to hunt through the thread to find the other pics of ships. I'll get around to it eventually. Here is one though.

Special Thanks:
TheRezonator: created the thread that spawned this idea
Eadtaes: balanced many of the statistics
Guywhoyoudontknow/CI: created Sinners which is referenced in the Backstory
Whiskey: has posted here more than anyone else aside from me... (he's kept the thread alive)
Darvin: Came up with the idea of an Artillery Cruiser which caused me to think of a way to
If you see typos, pleas alert me to them.
EDIT: Wow... In the typo line, I type something wrong. Because of the irony, I'll leave it.
We lack someone who can skin, so if you are good at such, we could use you.