Here's some cool information you failed to link, once again omitting the important information to further your piss poor attempts to slander an entire nation.
Firstly, Australia currently has more Video Games banned than any other nation on the Earth. This is due to the outdated ratings system employed in Video Games; Australia lacks an R18+ rating and thus any game unable to be rated M15+ has to be refused classification. The reason for this is Michael Atkinson, the former AG of South Australia, as all amendments to the ratings system in Australia require that all AG from the States and Territories of Australia vote to do so unanimously and Atkinson voted against the reform each and every time it was called. The unanimous requirement was used to allow the smaller States and Territories of Australia to have an equal voice compared to the larger States and Territories, who would have been more 'important' due to their higher population on the non-adopted proposed system. Michael Atkinson lost his seat in the recent election, and thus the ratings system can now be reformed and the previously banned games can be re-submitted for classification.
...and in anywhere in australia it would be a criminal offence to let someone under 18 see it
ex: had I still lived in my parent's house, which I don't, had my 17 brother walked into my room while I was playing it I would have been committing a crime
ex2: a parent who bought it to their 17 year old child would have been committing a crime.
Actually, it would be illegal to show that game to anyone under the age of 15, as Australia fails to lacks an R18+ rating at current. Anyway, as you failed to realise, this is the same for any rating system anywhere in the world; showing rated material to someone under the age of the rating is of course illegal, hence the rating system in the first place.
Other things going on in australia include the installation of the "great firewall of australia"
The Australian Internet filter, known as the Great Firewall of Australia, has not been installed - it is on the election agenda for the coming Federal Election, and will be a major point of interest. The proposed filter would be used to ban illegal material on the internet, such as child pornography and pro-rape sites. Unfortunately, the filter's 'black list' will not be made public, will be entirely under Government control and will be accountable only to the Government, leaving it wide open to possible abuse by whom-ever the ruling party happens to be. This has lead it to be painted in a very bad light, and rightly so, as the Communications Minister of Australia has already leaked the name of 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica as sites that will be banned; sites that do not contain the afforementioned illegal materials and thus calls into question the entire filter to begin with. Personally, I don't like the mandatory filter, however I understand the need for it. Having an opt-in list, so that parents can prevent their children from accessing such materials, satisfies both parties. However arguing or inferring that access to illegal materials such as child pornography is protected under freedom of speech, as you have inferred in your post, really makes you question your morals and understanding of what you're talking about.
as well as a somewhat recent (but short lived) temporary suspension of freedom of speech for bloggers due to them "spreading lies in an election year". (that was actually overturned fairly quickly... unlike the other issues; but the fact they even dared implement it in the first place says a lot).
This so called 'suspension of freedom of speech for bloggers' was merely a requirement for people posting on offical political blogs to use their real names on comments made to prevent the usual trolling that takes place on any internet forum and keep the blogs on track.
If you're going to lie, and I mean out-right lie, please don't bother posting.