I think you know by now that I dont wish to verbally attack you, but seeing as how this has gone back and forth a bit, I wanted to throw out a disclaimer.
Everything we theorize now about any wormholes suggests they will be microscopic on a quantum level and no matter could pass them without collapsing them. What may be possible though is to "teleport" information through them.
Well, clearly some matter (contextual meaning: made of positive energy) must make it through the wormhole, otherwise you have no way of transmitting the information through the hole. Unless you jiggle the hole or something with the hole itself, but no one knows how the thing will react in reality, especially on a quantum scale.
Next, the microscopic ones, according to the theories that invent them to begin with, would last a very short time, and would probably not go very far. So, in order to send the billions and billions of bits of information through the wormhole, you would have to have a ton of these wormholes all going to the same space in a very predictable way (otherwise the information would be scrabbled and un-useable). Also, with all that information (aka, matter) compressed in such a small area, your likely to have it disappear into a mini blackhole (if they exist; but then again, if mini-wormholes exist.... its pretty likely).
"Spooky action at a distance" still appears to propagate at the speed of light so even a quantum entangled signal device would still seem to be limited to light speed. If a wormhole could be opened or created, it might be possible to propogate this information through it--via entanglement--and reach across space "instantly"...if you had a receiver in place and a conveniently placed wormhole.
An interesting idea.... I don't think I've heard of this idea before. But I'm not sure entanglement would hold once the wormhole is shut down. That would be a hugely interesting and fundamental experiment on the nature of entanglement. As far as using it to teleport someone, you'd still have to create a set of entangled particles and bring a set to the location you want to teleport to along with the other half of the teleporter. And that means you have to be able to get there via ordinary means before you can teleport.
Finally, there have been ideas that exploit wormholes to time travel by putting one end in a strong gravitational field, thus changing the rate of time on that end. I bring this up because you are using the wormhole to violate the lightspeed limit, thus having some measure of time travel already. I am highlighting this because if micro-wormholes exist, quantum theory says they would be all over the place... winking into and out of existence. Any degree of time travel on such a scale means that causality would be destroyed on the large scale, and there are a few ways to do it with that situation. I feel my argument here is not strong, but I think that you would end up without any savings in time, although with less chance for interception and/or destruction of the information teleported.
and the fact is, as smart as we like to think we are, we really are extreme novices at understanding these sorts of things.
That isn't really a 'fact'. It's a good guess based off the past. Only years down the line, when/if we actually do know everything could we look back and say that we are novices. Evidence supports the viewpoint that faster than/as fast as light travel will never be possible. As I've said before, I dont object to looking around and seeing what might be possible, and trying things out. But at the end of the day, theres an overwhelming probability that we are stuck in this solar system short of a multi-generation/hibernation approach.
Also, I find it humorous that some people here thought my idea was unbelievable and later a wormhole teleporter is suggested