I am extremely disappointed with Rebellion....
First, let's start with the terrible engine and graphics...oooooooo, new pretty flares...effects that take up the entire gravity well...BAH, it is NOTHING...hell, I don't even play with a monitor most of the time so I can't even see these piddly little "improvements"...
Then, we have the "gameplay" changes. Titans? BORING...who wants a ship with big guns, awesome abilities, and is the size of a moon? I SURE DON'T....oh and then there's apparently these "tech tree" changes that add stupid boring lame stuff like phase jumping starbases, culture spawning planets, alliances with pirates, and the ability to have an entirely mobile empire. Lame, LAME, LAME...hell I already had an empire without planets in some of my ICO Trinity games, what do I need this expansion for????
And on top of all that, no one plays Rebellion anyway...sometimes, I have to wait 10 minutes to get enough people to fill my meager 5v5...that's ten minutes I could have spent doing something better, like Internet Spades, or circle jerk, or ranting on forums...
And finally, Rebellion added all these new options for, really? No one uses mods these days, and I hear all the modders are a bunch of tools anyway so really, this is more of a degression than anything else...
So in conclusion, I think that Unity Mass on the coronata should do chaining damage (where the number of chained targets is affected by the number of nearby ships) and Chastic Burst should do less damage but have an interesting debuff....