If StarClad cared one bit, they wouldn't have released the game with so much shit wrong with it. We're 2 months post release and waiting for the big patch that fixes everything that was brought to their attention during Beta. I hope that patch has a giant tractor beam to reel back in the players who quit.
Honestly I think player's expectations are a bit too high(they always are). Frankly while it certainly has balance issues, all things considered the Rebellion release wasn't all that bad. Not pristine for sure, but MANY games have far worse releases. In many cases some newly released games are borderline unplayable. Rebellion is very playable- the competitive multiplayer just isn't really up to snuff yet in terms of balance & variety of strategies.
And frankly, contrary to what player's over-inflated sense of entitlement tells them, balance is not easy. I've personally worked on a few small scale game-related projects(some video games, some board games, with a variety of formats) and let me tell you this: especially in a game format where competitive multiplayer is a major facet balance is very very hard to achieve.
This is doubly true for game developers caught up in a corporate bureaucracy and triply true for a dev team working on post release patches for a *relatively* low budget title.
While I understand people are starting to get impatient, thus far Stardock has been getting great results from each patch. I don't feel like any of the recent patches contained any "bad" changes, and frankly while there are still problems we have made some major progress(Corvettes are now balanced, significant nerfs to SttC & nano-Leech, ect..).
Stardock's only decision I really question was having no balance patches between the beta implementation of the Vasari and release. Most of the most extreme balance problems were that both Vasari factions were OP from implementation and yet feedback during the last phase of beta was disregarded as after Vasari went live in beta the devs suddenly went dark for the few weeks before release and the Vasari received none of the iterative beta balance patches the other factions received.
All that said, I do agree that the results of the next patch are going to be very important to Rebellion's future. While I may think people expect too much the simple fact is that people are getting frustrated and in some cases are starting to lose interest. So i'll agree that I sincerely hope Stardock knocks it out of the proverbial park with this next patch.