"Deliverance Engine will no longer target Friendly planets"
Um....what?! On that note, I strongly recommend against any Advent advocates getting this update.
This removes its tactical defensive capacity.
It does no direct damage unlike the Novalith which can be built more than once by the TEC, that pretty much obliterates planets.
I'd say ok to this on only one condition, making it able to limit other superweapons ability to be built or to target.
If the Advents Deliverance Engine were able to make a planet imprinted when fired upon such that it was untargetable by any of the superweapons or made it so they could not be built at the targeted planet, I'd be ok with removing the "targets friendly" status.
Since it does not cause adverse affects on the scale of Novalithing or a Kostua Warhead on a planet which are overwhelmingly powerful in comparison, that makes this a pretty unbalancing move from my view.
I may be new here, but as an avid Advent player, and noticing lack of concern on this issue, I felt I had to speak up.
Sorry if I come off a bit mean, but this nerf seems like a BB-gun to the Eye of the Advent.