For the first time in a while you make a troll thread with potential and you forget to cast people. So I will add my suggestions.
The Heroes
ZombiesRus - The brave leader who tragically gets infected with Zombieitis early in the show and struggles with his condition until he can get a cure from the troll lords, only to find on defeating the last one that the cake it was baked into was a lie.
Ryat - The misunderstood sidekick who's always there yet always blamed for everything.
Volt - The awkward technical smart guy the other main characters find hard to relate to, yet saves the day more than anyone.
Ue-Carbon - The drinking buddy who everyone loves to be around yet sometimes bites off more than he can chew.
Dirty Sanchezz - The stern and straight talking voice of the law who none the less has pure intentions.
Myfisto - Our chief engineer, Myfisto doesn't venture out into the field much but keeps the base and kit running at 110% efficiency at all times.
Sinperium - The old timer and comic relief all in one. Tries to trick everyone to get his mod made for him, even in the midst of much more important things!
Seleucia - The antihero troll who was initially rejected by the troll lords, he switches sides every other seasons, finally settles down to become a true hero in the last few seasons, only to go mad with power in the surprise finale when GoaFan grants him his life long wish for Unity Mass to do chaining damage and become the final troll king.
The Troll Lords
Quar - The bizarre but brilliant right hand man of the first troll king, Mecha-Lenin, he nearly succeeds in defeating the heroes in the finale of the first season but is thwarted when he underestimates the power of his own divine relic.
Mecha-Lenin - The first troll king who is the main antagonist for the first few seasons, he gets his wish of trolling the entire universe, only to see the creators step in, kill him and undo the damage they caused.
Sinkillr - The Star Scream of the series, despite his many attempts to defeat our protagonists or usurp the reigning troll king, he never manages to either succeed or get himself totally destroyed in the process. Even The Yarlen is unable to get rid of him for good.
WorldStryder - The emo younger brother of Sinperium, his cross dressing and black mackup make it impossible for anyone to know exactly how old he is. Takes his own life when he realizes no one likes him or even remembers him in season 5.
HuyMac - A troll lord who occasionally pleases his Troll King, but usually just spews profanity when things don't go according to plan.
KoK - A most determined villain who constantly tweaks his signature Kol rush technique in the hope it will one day destroy his enemies.
The Gods
Cykur, Auqia, and Doci (possibly sub for a different top tier MP Player) - The holy trinity of the Bible of the Skilled Games, it is said that sacrificing a new player by launching them in an escape pod into a star will earn their favor.
GoaFan77 - The divine grand master of the art of modding, is bound my an agreement with the other deities not to intervene directly the affairs of mortals yet is known to subtly change the rules of the game to help the protagonists. Accidentally creates the second troll king when he grants Seleucia's Coronata's Unity Mass chaining damage in order to defeat Sinkillr.
The Yarlen - The herald of the creators, he guards the entrance to the Ironclad Stardock in the sky and is usually the only creator to interact with mortals.
The Frazier Twins - The twin rulers who were the first creators, they only show up when our heroes finally learn the secret of their existence.
Frogboy - An independent being of great power who joined forces with the creators, he mostly stays busy in his own sacred rainforest domain but occasionally congratulates our protagonists on their best victories.