OK than, I just played the Federation for the first time today, and I have a few comments to make/questions to ask,
Firstly, as a bug I found after researching the repair platform, I was neither able to build it, nor wwere any of my shipyards able to repair. This is pretty major, because it will seriously change the balance of the game if the federation can't repair their ships (but I'm guessing that this is just a bug).
Upgraded shield emitters is mispelled (you guys have "sheild" instead of shield).
There are absolutely no craft that can capture mining extractors (such as those in nebula clouds), not sure if this is purposeful, but if klingons have it, I think Federation should have it.
I love the fact that you left almost every single Capital ship with abilities they can use. Really changes the game a lot to have a use for that darn anti-matter.
The Federation starbases look fantastic guys. Way to go and I can tell you put someeffort into them, just onw quick question though, are you guys going to give us bases for the starbases as well (like the ones the special new ships in entrenchment build), or are you going to stay with the ones that entrenchment has already? Also, are you going to replace the ship that builds those kind of starbases with a Star Trek equivalent (I am thinking this is all in the works, but it couldn't hurt to ask)?
I also love the fact that you renamed some of the researches to be more "Trek like", adds a better feel to the game.
As for the rest of these, they are more of suggestions, rather than findings:
The Torpedoe and Shield research for the Federation is WAY too pricey (I spent most of my time researching technologies to build craft, rather than the actual research to build the craft), might want to cut their prices in half if you want games to get to battles quicker.
The Excelsior Refitis more expensive to research than either the Galaxy Class or Sovereign Class, and requires "Quantum Torpedoe's" researched. This doesn't make any sense at all, since it is the lowest level Capital ship, you might want to drop the "Quantum Torpedoe" research and cut the price in half.
Without any sort of Mining Station or anything similar that boosts mining resources, I found myself heavily lacking in the resource department and spending most of my credits purchasing things from the "Black Market". In the T.V. series, there are multiple references to new mining techniques that the Federation is researching, don't you think they should have something that allows them to increase this resource?
Finally, without any basic training, it took FOREVER! to level my Capital ships. Shouldn't the Federation have a "Basic Training" research item titled something like "Star fleet academy"?
Thanks again sooo much for allowing me to join in on this, and I hope that some of these suggestions don't sound too picky (I'm just giving my honest opinion). I mean you guys are doing great for a staff of 3.5, and like I said before, if you need a code monkey, by all means I'm your man. Anywho thanks again and sorry for all the inane babbling, hopefully you guys can look into some of this stuff and make the proper adjustments where YOU see fit.
Take care.