Hi all,
I've been busy with work and a resurgent Lord of the Rings Online addiction lately... and haven't had much chance to work on Requiem.
The good news is that I've got a 4 day weekend coming up so I'm going to get Requiem 2.4 and Celestial Bodies 0.9 working with a mod enabler tomorrow sometime.
As for further developments of Requiem, the progress and next steps are all listed in the Modding forum at http://sins.imperial.cc. There are some interesting ideas here that I will take over there (I'm trying to avoid having detailed mod development discussions here because... well.. these forums aren't so good).
Some responses:
kyrogel... regarding CIS, Republic etc. That's something I've been discussing with EvilJedi about. The trouble is time for me when there are lots of little things that still need to be cleaned up in Empire/Alliance. I'm hoping some brilliant volunteer will pick this up and do most of the development work as I was considering devoting time to debugging and stabiliing SOGE.
theascended121... the forum registration is fixed. Yes, each ship has a unique icon but they are simply existing icons and don't always look like the actual SW ships. If you click on an Interdictor you'll see my point
Whiskey... yes the Venator's do have a lot of front facing damage. I made it that way so that players could maneouver the ship into better position to take advanage of it's side batteries. The meshes and textures were done by EvilJedi
satthurakaroke... interesting feedback on the excessive use of shield restoration cruisers (Goafan's suggestion of reducing it from 250 to 100 might be a first round fix), and your re-balancing suggestions. The balancing isn't perfect by any means and if anything fundamentally breaks the game balance I want to address it: so far I hadn't though shield regen was so overpowered but I'll re-examine the scenario you painted to see if it's truly broken. As for the Maria and Liberty... the thought behind that was they would be a later-game ship when you were cash rich and wanted to maximimze your capital ship/crew limitations. I might make them more expensive relative to normal capitals so that only empires with prosperous economies can afford them.
hendrix... I haven't looked at DBS lately... but I might convert some of the frigates in 2.5 release. I'd also need to look at changing the vanilla races frigates too (I've tried to avoid doing that). Maybe Sins dev team will adopt it too?!
Paradox... a few answers here:
1) I only have ISD and VISD meshes, but I wanted their to be 4 different ship role types.
2) The VISD aren't entirely canon for the sake of re-balancing against the vanilla Sins races. I needed to keep Battle, Carrier, Support and Planetary Assult roles somehow.
3) I don't have access to a Golan III mesh that I can rotate easily without a lot of time and effort. I have no clue why it's rotated sideways except maybe an export gone wrong. Neither 7DS or Evil can easily fix it either and I'd rather not have a wierd Golan platform lying on it's side in Requiem. I think I might replace the Empire starbase with the Tech model in 2.5... seems more Empire-like.
4) Not sure what you mean here.. they are balanced against Alliance/Tech/Vasari/Advent primary... and then as close to canon/lore as possible.
MercenaryMuffin... turret is now fixed for 2.5