Thoumsin, thanks for your pledge to help out. I had no idea that a Sins modding wiki was already in existance, and I'm glad that you don't seem put off by this new attempt. As you say that wiki was mainly for the 7DS mod, hopefully one with a more general focus will draw broader contribution.
The 7ds wiki was not really a wiki for mod... i have simply copy tutorial who already exist on these forum... why ? Because the search function on these forum is a hell...
And seriously, i am happy with these new wiki... now, if someone ask me something, i will be able to put something in the wiki and send the guy with question to it... After one year, i become tired to repeat a lot of time the same think...
Mainly, i will contribute at the modeling level... it mean creating the model, segment it, optimize the UV and basic texturing... by example, recently, i have explain in the B5 mod topic on 7DS ( yes, 7DS is not only a mod but more a group of modder who help each other ) how to segment/UV, this based on a koobalt model... it cover almost everything for tec type of ship... but it is very heavy, 10 or 20 page of topic... maybe i will create a specific model for these wiki... from the begin to almost the end ( i have always problem with the XSI stage, i need a good tutorial about it )
Almost all mod have genious in their rank... some can make moving part with particule effect, some other can create fully original ability code, some are able to paint in a wonderfull way... time that people share their knowledge... for the benefice of all modders... hmmm, i forget these who are good at programming and who have give us lately a set of very good tools...
For example, other areas I'm imagining are documentation on the .entity format in general, further narrowed down to the various .entity types, with each parameter explained. Each parameter hardly needs its own wiki page -- I wouldn't recommend it -- but certainly at least a sentence of description.
You will need some administrator for the wiki... these can create template page... by example, you can create a top list with link to other place on the page... a little like how i have made at ... or make a general page like at where group send to a new page ( in my example, only the sub page for the star type was made )...
Template are really needed... it will add some coherence in the wiki...a example of page not following the template at , and one following a template at ... now, we cannot ask everybody to know the markup language for a wiki... so, you need a assistant who can receive the text and picture related to a topic from a modder and the job of these assistant will be to create a page who can be read in a easy way by wiki visitor...
In fact, your first job is to create your wiki team... and it is where i have fail on the 7DS wiki... a guy alone cannot make all the job needed...