But the documentation states
Frigate_PhaseUtility0 but Frigate_PhaseUtility1 does have 1
has no DataString "Center"
DataString "Centered" should be DataString "Center"
Uses 2 sets of materials but 1 set is
- DiffuseTextureFileName ""
- SelfIlluminationTextureFileName ""
- NormalTextureFileName ""
- DataString "Aura1"
- DataString "Above1"
- DataString "Exhaust-2" x2
- DataString "Exhaust-1"
- DataString "Flair_Blink1"
- DataString "Flair_Blink2"
- DataString "Flair_Bowtiespin1"
- DataString "Exhaust2" x4 of these should be DataString "Exhaust"
- DataString "Flair_Blink1" should be DataString "Flair-Flair_Blink"
- DataString "Flair_Blink2" should be DataString "Flair-Flair_Blink"
- DataString "Flair_Blink3" should be DataString "Flair-Flair_Blink"
- DataString "Flair_Bowtiespin1" should be DataString "Flair-Flair_Bowtiespin"
P001-Flair_Blink thru P004-Flair_Blink
- DataString "-Weapon-1"
- Position [ -34.720844 -130.671677 168.227509 ]
Should read DataString "Weapon-1"
. The Major thinks Weapon 1 was commented out for the BFG abilities. All 3 data strings are at the same location.
- DataString "Ability-0"
- Position [ -34.720844 -130.671677 168.227509 ]
- DataString "Ability-1"
- Position [ -34.720844 -130.671677 168.227509 ]
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Aura" should be DataString "Aura"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Above" should be DataString "Above"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Center" should be DataString "Center"
- DataString "Ability0" should be DataString "Ability-0"
- DataString "Ability3" should be DataString "Ability-3"
- DataString "Ability2" should be DataString "Ability-2"
- DataString "Ability1" should be DataString "Ability-1"
- DataString "Ability1" should be DataString "Ability-1"
It must work tho or this would be a useless ship.
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Above"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Aura"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Centered"
- DataString "Flair0" x2. Not sure what to put for this one so I used Flair-Flair_Blink.
And 2 sets of materials?
- "ModulePhaseLaboratory-cl.dds"
- "ModulePhaseLaboratory-da.dds"
- "ModulePhaseLaboratory-nm.dds"
I used...
- "ModulePhaseLaboratoryMilitary-cl.dds"
- "ModulePhaseLaboratoryMilitary-da.dds"
- "ModulePhaseLaboratoryMilitary-nm.dds"
- DiffuseTextureFileName "ModulePhaseFleetcommandcenter-cl.dds" does not exist
- SelfIlluminationTextureFileName "ModulePhaseFleetcommandcenter-da.dds" does not exist
- NormalTextureFileName "ModulePhaseFleetcommandcenter-nm.dds" does not exist
- DataString "Flare1" Not sure what to put for this one so I used Flair-Flair_Blink.
Searched for a reference to this model but didn't find any.
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Above"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Aura"
- DataString "BuffAttachPoint_Centered"
- DataString "Flair0" x2
I guess I am going to learn Creating a Second Set of Materials. This module has 2 sets hooked up.
- ModuleTechShieldgenerator0
- ModuleTechShieldgenerator1
and a 3rd one "ModuleTechShieldgenerator" thats not for nothin' ???
No Nulls at all either?
PlanetModule_TechOrbitalHyperspaceDetector and PlanetModule_TechOrbitalJumpBlocker look the same and use the same 2 material sets but it looks like the later is half the size.
- DataString "Flair_Dblblink" x2
- DataString "Flair_Blink" x5
- DataString "Flair_Lighthouse"
I wanted to add the Center, Above & Aura to the missing meshes and the doc states
a) Buff Points - common to all ships and modules in the game and must have no rotation value
- Above (shares the x and z value of the center)
- Aura (shares the x and z value of the center)
There own models don't follow those 2 rules or Rule A
- No Above
- No Aura
- No Center
- PlanetModule_PhaseOrbitalMarket
- PlanetModule_PhaseOrbitalExtractor
- PlanetModule_PsiOrbitalMarket
- PlanetModule_PsiOrbitalExtractor
- PlanetModule_TechOrbitalMarket
- PlanetModule_TechOrbitalExtractor
- ResourceAsteroid_Crystal
- ResourceAsteroid_Crystal2
- ResourceAsteroid_Crystal_Depleted
- ResourceAsteroid_Metal
- ResourceAsteroid_Metal_Depleted
AsteroidBig01 thru AsteroidBig03 have -da textures but the mesh file uses black-da
Black-da is used on regular Big Asteroids and the 3 other -da files are for the crystal and metal asteroids.
The regular asteroids have center, above and aura nulls but the crystal and metal asteroids do not???????????
A lot of models have bad lights and there are some other lights not listed in the documentation.
- P001-Flair-Flair_OrbGlow
- P001-Flair-Flair_OrbGlow_Small
- P001-Flair-Flair_Extraction
- P001-Flair-Flair_PirateFlagMed
- P001-Flair-Flair_PirateFlagSmall
- P001-Flair-Flair_PirateTorchMed
- P001-Flair-Flair_PirateTorchSmall
Check out the GalaxyScenarioDef file and so a search for "Guass". IC screwed that up too.