Very nice new guide! Congratulations! And thanks for it.
Needs a hyperlink: "GoaFan's guide: 'Getting started with Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion' ."
"No spamming, flaming, or capslock abuse." What are we supposed to do in the lobby in this case?
"In most cases, there'll be 2 heavy cruisers, so 1 + 2 = 3 means you have to make 3 cannons really close to each other." I think you only need to get 2 cannons up, no? You need to get them up before the HC's show up, though, i.e., put the cannons on opposite side of well from the fleeing colony ship.
"Concratulations! If you can effectivly use technique 4, you're the second best player in sins because I am currently the only one that uses it." >> BARF!
"In conclusion: if you can use techniques 3 to 5 effectivly, you're a great player, one of the best. So go practise them so I can finally have some competition." >> I LOVE YOU TOO.
"If he makes a starbase, you can refer to the section 'How to deal with starbases' which I wrote for just that occasion." >> YOU MAKE ME SMILE. ARE YOU STILL SINGLE AND AVAILABLE ON THE MARRIAGE MARKET?
"If you make light frigates, keep in mind that you need about 60 light frigates to kill an unupgraded vasari starbase without repair bays." Differentiate Advent (50 to 60?) from TEC (40 to 45?).
"gainst Vasari starbases, I do not recommend ogrovs, because the Vasari starbase will slaughter them faster than they can slaughter the starbase". 35 ogrovs still does the job.....
" If you're uncertain wether or not the enemy has red button, you always have to assume the worst." Look at XP value and figure out if he has upgrade? This works well for level 1 TEC, i.e., the XP value is obvious. It's a bit more complicated once it's upgraded.
"The TEC loyalist titan has group shield, which protects against red button (this might have been patched out)." WHAATT??? I actually learned something reading your guide. I feel like such a nooob loooser now.... Seriously, is this patched or still active?
Who is that talking with the sexy British voice on the RedButton video? It ain't grimm, he sounds like a German ogre on TeamSpeak. We really need some more sexy videos like this, all about the game. You should feature my games, of course, for examples of best techniques. And who is Paravox in 5s games? Never seen him?
The "Ships Counters" graphics are old, i.e., no corvettes, and numbers are no longer fully correct.
Spelling error: it's "PhatKid", not "FatKid".
Bombs away!!!!